Monday, January 1, 2018

The Joy (sort of) of Cleaning (sort of)

There is one corner of my room which my husband uses as evidence that, in the event of his untimely and greatly-to-be-mourned demise, I will become a hoarder. So on this first morning of 2018, I vowed to clean my "hoarder corner." In the process, I found a 3x5 card on which was written one haiku and two tanka. The haiku reminded me of a photo I had taken on the High Line in New York City a few Octobers ago.

A haiku of indeterminate age + a photo from a few years back = the first haiga of the new year.

Finding beauty and light in unexpected places...not a bad way to begin the year.

I highly recommend cleaning a neglected corner of one's room/mind/hard drive/life every once in a while. There's probably a poem there!

2018...Onward we go...