Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Why We Read the Odyssey, part 2

And then another island, this one inhabited by a kind, generous king who shrugs at dire prophecies. What is a prophecy, after all, but a prediction of the present: you will help or hurt someone, you will suffer for it, you will find yourself alone. While we have you here, Odysseus, tell us your story, spread your fame. You alone remain; the telling of your story is the one thing you control. Your words will tumble from the lips of bards for centuries to come. She was right, that goddess: you will be immortal.

even the moon
must rest —
the liar at dawn

1 comment:

  1. __ So often, one of our "other-selves" becomes our own worst enemy. _m

    Of the same blood,
    one sense aware, one steeps
    that muze sent out to charm or chill;
    each day.
